Thursday, November 23, 2006

Lack Of Moral Values In Todays Educated Generation:

Today the level of education and the scope of knowledge has incresed upto a great extent when it is being compared to a previous time slot.Well, that is a good sign but at the same time we are losing a very important edge.This important edge is moral values. The current generation is always in a way to find short-cuts. The whole approach has been changed to the quantitave aspect instead of being towards qualitative aspect.

I am currently studying a Masters course in one of the premiere institue of the country.Being a Master's student, there should be some kind of responsiblity and matuarity which I see lacking in my collegues. Being in the good institute I was expecting a lot of qualitativly competative environment but at the end of the course I am very disappointed by the quality of major of my collegues.Here, people have just one focus of getting good grades though they don't really mind how they get these grades as they are achieved by majority of them through wrong means. The worst part is their innerself don't even feel guilty about it, instead they feel proud of doing such things. It's not at all the fault of the institute or the faculties.The give their best but this whole loop-hole is on the student's side. They take the advantage of unity-approach in a wrong sense.Sometimes even the faculties are helpless as they can't take any action when 85-90% of the student unite to do wrong things.Today, I am really upset. Today an assignment which was't being done by students in 3 weeks and even the students who have no idea about it's concepts are able to make and show the assignment in just 10 mins.What are these students going to give to industry.

Even leaving about the academic aspects when I look at the overall personal behaviour of my peers , I again get disappionted. There are many things which are expected as a civilian behaviour and from a matured and literate person. When there is a facility of dustbins available at evrry 30 steps you walk still people throw rubbish here and there. The plate disposal is just 10-20 steps away still the plates and other remains are kept back on the dining table even after knowing that it is a self-service strategy.People can walk to the counters to order and collect food but they don't have sense to put their plates after eating to the plate disposal facility from the same counter they collected.When it comes to honesty, the situation is horrible. People don't care to pay back the money to the shop owner or other related person if he forgets to bill out for the orders. They think as it is an achievement of saving money. Sometimes people just expliot friends monetarily, emotionally and through other means. Most of the people have just" take" mentality without even a drop if "give" mentality.

Most of the relations here materialistic oriented without any emotional bondings. There are people who say different things and behave differently. There many hypocrates. The people here are too selfish. There are people here who are not fair at all in their judgements. They don't realize the responsibility of the positions alloted to them.When told to give fair evaluations of the other peers they bring in the emotional aspect. Well, evaluations is one of the important responsiblity which can decide the quality that is to be given as an output.When loking at the corporate today, major quality drawbacks have their deep roots in their unfair evaluations at early stages.People here pretend a lot for showing how hard they work but actually they themselves don't evaluate how much actual qualitative work is being done. There is so much of show-offs.

People here easily lie but are always scared to utter even a single word of truth. People feel so comfortable in getting corrupted.Most of the people today have no directions, no principles and no morale.They have justone destination and that is just money.People here are so hollow from inside.What is the use of so much money, good clothes and lifestyle when it comes majorly at the cost of other's happiness or killing your self-esteems, self-respect etc. Sometimes I wonder how easily people sleep after all these things.They curse nation's stituations but don't put their own effort to improve it's condition. They always demand about their rights but don't even dare to think about how many duties they have fulfilled.People here are educated but even lower then illitrates.

Well, but amongst all of these bad people there are very few people who are really qualitative and very much moralistic and self-esteemed. Well, I can't change everybody but i hope that this might impact atlest one to even improve for one aspect then also i will feel that I have done some duty towards social development in making a cleaner society.To people who do not speak againgst wrong things but yet do not personally support yet get accept the wrong things due to environmental and societal pressure i would like to reveal a quote which motivated me a lot:
" By saying yes to every unimportant thing you are saying no to some important thing"

This is a quote by Robin Sharma the author of 'The Monk who sold his Ferrari' in his other book 'The Greatness Success'.

Think deeply it really means and says a lot.

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