Thursday, October 26, 2006

Longing to be at home yet sometimes running away from it:

I just returned today after the diwali break at home.It's always really good to be home.For me home is the place where time spent acts like medicines for the stress or over-loaded mental state. It's always been so soothing place that it mollifies the bitterness which comes with friends or collegues in the environment I live.After being at home I forget all the differences that had come in last passage of time.The lovely food cooked by mamma....OH!! I REALLLLLLLLYYYY MISS THAT FOOD. The moments spent with daddy, mamma and brother at night after dinner on the jula, the life lessons from mama and dad,the pieces of advise for my brother's studies, the plans for family dinner,the concern of mamma and dad for my health and lifestyle,mamma's feeling for making me all sorts of food items as if i m not getting nething at hostel,few annecdotes from dad, conversations regarding our old memories, dad making us realize how lucky we are geting everything we want and thus teaching us to have satisfaction and not to demand unnecessary things in the prayar to god,mamma always making me realize that I am the best daughter she can ever get, helping out in cleaning the house, ligting diyas in diwali and the whole ambience of the environment around with all houses having their compounds lightened up with diyas, the entrances with rangolis, the get-to-gathers with neighbhoursand friends and relatives, that sound sleep on my bed at house, that 20 mins jogging with dad in the morning, that realization which parents give that they are always there so not to worry much,that ealry morning baths and making swastiks in the door entrance in diwali times, decorationg my flower vase and a flower designer bowl with flowers from my little garden every morning; oh I really miss my home.I always long to be there.But all good things are short-lived similarly is this period for me.Now, My visits will be even more infrquent as my job is in B'glore.

Well, all good things of home comes with one bad thing which i really hate.Whenever I go home, always ther is atleast one relative's visit scheduled.It's not that i don't like it, but frankly speaking I am a less social human-being when it comes to Uncles and Aunts. The major reason is that they are the people who are most worried about my marriage.I hate it.They always have one and only topic of match-fixing.Though my parents say no for now,yet they still keep on explaining them that it's now a high-time.That's why I feel running away from home when my relatives come home.Why don't they leave me and my family alone?Why don't they understand that career carries more priority in our family?Why they always have a problem when a girl studies more?Why they always try to get girls married earlier then guys?Why don't they understand our stage?Why they always think that a girl after 20 should get married as soon as possible though she is mentally not prepared?Why they interfere in our family's personal life?Why do they try to impose their orthodox thinking on us?

Thanks a lot to this semi-nuclear family system in INDIA. I feel sometimes lost in the discussions with relatives as I am less aqquainted with their thinking and life-styles.Most of my relatives boast a lot about their work and knowledge and the truth is always around 20% in it.
Well, but for short time-slots with them i can't give away my longing for home. Seriously, If you are searching for heaven on earth then go to your home.You will find no place so soothing and comfortable as your home.

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